Amaral, L., Wang, X., Bi, Y., and Striem-Amit, E. (2024). Unraveling the impact of congenital deafness on individual brain organization. bioRxiv, doi: 10.1101/2024.02.02.578685
Striem-Amit, E. (In Press). Can individual differences explain brain plasticity in blindness? Trends in Cognitive Sciences.
Amaral, L., Thomas, P., Amedi, A., and Striem-Amit, E. (2024). Longitudinal stability of individual brain plasticity patterns in blindness. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Seydell-Greenwald, A., Wang, X., Newport, E., Bi, Y. & Striem-Amit, E. (2023). Spoken language comprehension activates the primary visual cortex. PLoS One.
Sen, S., Khalsa, N.N., Tong, N., Ovadia-Caro, S., Wang, X., Bi, Y., and Striem-Amit, E. (2022). The role of visual experience in individual differences of brain connectivity. The Journal of Neuroscience
Liu, Y*., Caracoglia, J*., Sen, S., Freud, E., and Striem-Amit, E. (2022). Are reaching and grasping effector-independent? Similarities and differences in reaching and grasping kinematics between the hand and foot. Experimental Brain Research
Liu, Y., Vannuscorps, G., Caramazza, A. & Striem-Amit, E. (2020). Evidence for an effector-independent action system from people born without hands. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Striem-Amit E., Vannuscorps G., and Caramazza A. (2018). Plasticity based on compensatory effector use in the association but not primary sensorimotor cortex of people born without hands. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Striem-Amit E.*, Wang X.*, Bi Y., and Caramazza A. (2018). Neural Representation of Visual Concepts in People Born Blind. Nature Communications
Hart Y., Goldberg H., Striem-Amit E., Mayo A.E., Noy L., and Alon U. (2018). Creative exploration as a scale-invariant search on a meaning landscape. Nature Communications
Vannuscorps G., Wurm M., Striem-Amit E., and Caramazza A. (2018). Large-scale organization of the hand action observation network in individuals born without hands. Cerebral Cortex
Striem-Amit E. (2017). Brain plasticity: When the Feet and Mouth Replace the Hand. Current Biology
Striem-Amit E.*, Vannuscorps G.*, and Caramazza A. (2017). Sensorimotor-independent development of hands and tools selectivity in the visual cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Striem-Amit E., Almeida J., Belledonne M., Chen Q., Fang Y., Han Z., Caramazza A., and Bi Y. (2016). Topographical functional connectivity patterns exist in the congenitally, prelingually deaf. Scientific Reports
Heimler B., Striem-Amit E., and Amedi A. (2015). Origins of task-specific sensory-independent organization in the visual and auditory brain: neuroscience evidence, open questions and clinical implications. Current Opinion Neurobiology
Striem-Amit E.*, Ovadia-Caro S.*, Caramazza A., Margulies D.S., Villringer A., and Amedi A. (2015). Functional connectivity of visual cortex in the blind follows retinotopic organization principles. Brain
Striem-Amit E., and Amedi A. (2014). Visual Cortex Extrastriate Body-Selective Area Activation in Congenitally Blind People Seeing by Using Sounds. Current Biology
Striem-Amit E., Cohen L., Dehaene S., and Amedi A. (2012). Reading with sounds: Sensory substitution selectively activates the visual word form area in the blind. Neuron
Striem-Amit E., Dakwar O., Reich L., and Amedi A. (2012). The large-scale organization of "visual" streams emerges without visual experience. Cerebral Cortex
Striem-Amit E., Guendelman M., and Amedi A. (2012). 'Visual' acuity of the congenitally blind using visual-to-auditory sensory substitution. PLoS ONE
Striem-Amit E.*, Bubic A.*, and Amedi A. (2011). Neurophysiological mechanisms underlying plastic changes and rehabilitation following sensory loss in blindness and deafness. In Frontiers in the Neural Bases of Multisensory Processes, Murray M.M., and Wallace M.T., eds. (Oxford, UK: Taylor and Francis).
Striem-Amit E., Dakwar O., Hertz U., Meijer P., Stern W., Merabet L., Pascual-Leone A., and Amedi A. (2011). The neural network of sensory-substitution object shape recognition. FNRE
Striem-Amit E.*, Hertz U.*, and Amedi A. (2011). Extensive Cochleotopic Mapping of Human Auditory Cortical Fields Obtained with Phase-Encoding fMRI. PLoS ONE
Bubic A.*, Striem-Amit E.*, and Amedi A. (2010). Large-Scale Brain Plasticity Following Blindness and the Use of Sensory Substitution Devices. In Multisensory Object Perception in the Primate Brain, Naumer M.J., and Kaiser J., eds. (New York: Springer), pp. 351-380.
Azulay H.*, Striem E.*, and Amedi A. (2009). Negative BOLD in Sensory Cortices During Verbal Memory: A Component in Generating Internal Representations? Brain Topography
Raz N., Striem E., Pundak G., Orlov T., and Zohary E. (2007). Superior Serial Memory in the Blind: A Case of Cognitive Compensatory Adjustment. Current Biology
*Equal contribution
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